Stormwater runoff from eastern half of the City of Kimball was draining untreated into Willow Creek, a designated trout stream and tributary to Lake Betsy. Untreated stormwater runoff is full of nutrients and chemicals that are detrimental to the health our the District's waters. To correct this problem, the CRWD applied for and received a Clean Water Fund grant through the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources, in the amount of $70,900.
In concert with a $47,100 local match, a stormwater management system in Willow Creek Park (a City of Kimball park) was constructed. The system treats the 1.5 inch or less rainfall event over a 428 acre drainage area, resulting in an phosphorous load reduction to Willow Creek and Lake Betsy( a listed imparied water with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) of around 244 pounds per year. Sediment reduction estimates achieved by the system are estimated to be four cubic yeards per year kept from entering Willow Creek. Also, this system provides time for the warm stormwater to cool before entering Willow Creek via infiltration and recharge through groundwater. Warm water is detrimental to the health of a trout stream. This project was completed due to the cooperation between the Clearwater River Watershed District, the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Department of Health, Stearns County Soil & Water Conservation District, and the City of Kimball.