The Non-point Source Pollution Abatement Project was added to the Clearwater River Chain of Lakes (1980) Restoration Project in 1985 and was later extended to 1993. This project aimed to institute farming practices that will protect the public from water quality degradation while at the same time reducing soil loss, lowering farm operating costs, and increasing profits. The infrastructure developed to implement this was the Tri-County Conservation Project (TCCP), composed of the Stearns, Meeker, and Wright Soil and Water Conservation Districts, along with the CRWD. To demonstrate conservation tillage practices, a no-till drill was purchased. Also, tillage demonstration plots were used. A local farmer group was formed to provide grass roots input on implementing conservation practices through the project. Critical erosion and nutrient export areas were identified using a computer model. Runoff and groundwater monitoring, including pesticide impacts, was conducted. The project, with a budget of some $1.5 million, worked through cooperation among individual farms, the agri-business community, the TCCP member districts, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Board of Water and Soil Resources, Agricultural Extension Service, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Environmental Protection Agency, and others. The estimated phosphorous reduction is 2,100 pounds per year.
Today aspects of this project continue with the Fertilizer Field Trial Project.
View Upper Lakes Aeration and Mechanical Fish Removal
Today aspects of this project continue with the Fertilizer Field Trial Project.
View Upper Lakes Aeration and Mechanical Fish Removal