The CRWD's policy book serves to compile all policies of the Clearwater River Watershed District Board of Managers. The full policy book can be viewed here, or by section by navigating the table of contents below.
Definitions Introduction SECTION 100: BY-LAWS The bylaws supplement the CRWD's Rules and Regulations, clarifying the proper conduct and procedure of the managers of the CRWD. The CRWD Bylaws are established and maintained at the discretion of the Board of Managers. By-laws of the Clearwater River Watershed District SECTION 200: DATA PRACTICES & RECORDS RETENTION The following policies have been adopted to provide standards and procedures for retention of CRWD records as well as to comply with Minnesota's Data Practices and Government Records Acts. 201. Policies and Procedures for Public Access to Documents 202. Security and Protection of Not-Public Data on Individuals 203. Private and Confidential Data - Rights of Data Subjects 204. Data Practices Advisory/ Tennessen Warning 205. Consent to Release - Request from an Individual 206. Consent to Release - Request from a Government Entity 207. Inventory of Not-Public Data on Individuals 208. Record retention schedule SECTION 300: DISTRICT OPERATIONS The following policies have been adopted to provide standards for day-to-day operations and administration of the CRWD. Most are internal in nature. 301. Accounting/ Bookkeeping 302. Administration & General 303. Advisory Committee 304. Reapportionment of Benefits 305. Debit Card Policy SECTION 400: DRAINAGE AUTHORITY The following policies have been adopted to provide standards for situations where the CRWD serves as the drainage authority over public drainage systems. 401. Buffer Strip Reporting 402. County Ditch #20 North Operation & Maintenance SECTION 500: PROJECT/ PROGRAM SPECIFIC The following policies have been adopted to provide standards for the various projects and programs the CRWD have instituted to accomplish its mission. 501. Project Manuals 502. Agricultural Incentive Program 503. Residential/ Commercial Incentive Program 504. Project Inspection Program 505. Standards and Procedures for Bog Removal by the CRWD - updated 9/21/2022 506. CRWD Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Projects 507. Water Quality Monitoring Program SECTION 600: SANITARY SEWERS The following policies have been adopted to provide standards regarding the sanitary sewer systems the CRWD owns and operates. 601. Standards for Acceptance of Communal Sanitary Sewer Facilities 602. Ownership of Components at CRWD Sewer Systems 603. Discovery of Improperly-Abandoned Septic Tanks at Clearwater Harbor 604. Elimination of a Sanitary Sewer Account for a Parcel Served by a CRWD-owned Sewer APPENDICIES A. Record of Revisions |